Sewing Tutorial - Bias Tape - Joining Lengths

Pretty basic, but this is how you attach two strips of bias tape to each other. If you buy a pack of store-bought bias tape, you’ll see evidence of this. (Note that if you’re doing triple digit lengths of bias tape there are some mass bulk methods that might be more appropriate for you where you sew the fabric into a tube-like thing and then rotary cut it.)

First, open it up.

Lay them across each other like so. If you’re making your own bias tape, you might want to join your strips before you iron the folds in so you don’t have to deal with your folds trying to flop everywhere.

Sew across at a 45 degree angle. Be sure to backstitch at both ends, things will be very annoying if you forget.


Clip and press the seam allowance.

Insert triumphant zelda music here.