Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell SAC S2)
The Source
”We weep for the blood of a bird, but not for the blood of a fish. Blessed are those with a voice.”
Ghost in the Shell loves exploring the intersection of AI, technology, and society. I enjoy the existential and broody Motoko of the 1995 movie but find her more even-keeled SAC incarnation quite excellent as well.
This particular outfit is from the 0:40 mark of SAC2’s Rise OP by Origa. It appears very briefly for about five seconds, and is never seen again. Rise is one of my favorite anime OPs, so I’m glad to have made something derived from it specifically.
The Costume (2010-2011)
Since her bottom half is never shown, I decided on white for the boot color since it seemed to match the aesthetic. I added some cables to make it a little more interesting. When wearing similar outfits in the manga, she’s often accessorized like a porcupine trying to escape a telecommunications junkyard.
Both the gloves and the bodysuit are made out of 4-way black stretch pvc from Spandex World. This was my first time working with pvc, and only my second bodysuit. Fitting the material was a much more difficult process than sewing the spandex I used for Daisy-023; PVC never forgives, and definitely never forgets. And good luck quickly trying on a pvc bodysuit turned inside out for fitting…lol. This was also my first time sewing gloves with gussets, which was a rather tedious affair given the choice of material.
The suit is fully serged and there is no zipper. I squeeze in through the top, which is always something of a stress test on the seams given my hip to waist ratio and the relatively limited stretch of the fabric. The collar attaches with a single large snap. I built a bra and shelf lining into the top of the bodysuit using some black milliskin and cups. There are no front or side seams, only a single seam up my back and an inseam on the legs. You do sacrifice a bit of contouring/shaping by opting for no side seams, particularly in the underbust here (given the backless nature of the top part), but in this case it really worked well for photos.
The wig was from wigisfashion. I got two and took apart the second wig to sew into the front of the first wig.