Web Development Resources

https://www.smashingmagazine.com - Lots of good reading for design/front end.

https://css-tricks.com - Many informative articles on just about everything.

http://codepen.io - Not only is this a great way to quickly try out new techniques, but many people put up demos of small, handy code snippets. Browsing other people’s pens and investigating how they were made is a quick way to discover new techniques.

http://www.w3schools.com If you need a quick one sentence summary and basic example of something, go here. Look at the subtopics and you’ll learn the vocabulary of a given task very quickly. (This site used to be crap but improved a lot over the years.)

https://developer.mozilla.org - If you need an in depth, 10 paragraph explanation of something, go here. A little dry at times but very complete.

https://npmtrends.com/ - No idea which npm package is the current winner? Use this to find out how things have trended over time and who the current victor is.

https://www.freecodecamp.com - Free fullstack Javascript Web Development Curriculum. Look on facebook and meetup.com for FCC meetups, too - the NYC branch used to hold them 3-4 times a week.

http://tympanus.net/codrops - Excellent selection of cool demos.

https://github.com/sorrycc/awesome-javascript - Massive list of various javascript resources. Gives an overview of the space.


https://dribbble.com/shots?color=BADA55&timeframe=ever - Dribble’s “Search By Color” feature

https://unsplash.com Free high-res images, all in the public domain. Great for splash pages.

https://www.learnui.design/tools/ - I hate the listicle format but the blog posts have some good stuff.

https://coolors.co/ - palette generator

https://huemint.com/ - palette generator + previewer

https://www.realtimecolors.com/ - color previewer

https://colors.artyclick.com/color-shades-finder/ - shade generator

https://tailwindcss.com/docs/customizing-colors - tailwind shades

https://ianstormtaylor.com/design-tip-never-use-black/ - As much as I love black…this is very true.